Sexbomb Dancer Kristel Moreno

Kristel Moreno who is Crystal Lacsamana in real life was born January 14, 1991 was without a doubt born to be in the spotlight. A Filipino actress and dancer. A former child star and former Sexbomb Girl, she was relaunched as a member of Star Magic Batch 16. During her younger years, she entertains family members by imitating Thalia ( a mexican superstar), singing “Nandito Ako”, and dancing to the tune of “MariMar”; what’s funny is after her cute little performance she’ll go around with a hat on her hand asking for her “Talent Fee”. Actually, Kristel is not a newcomer to show business; having appeared in GMA 7 TV shows since she was only six. Kristel learned dancing from dance diva Geleen Eugenio, but she also attended workshops in jazz and street-dancing at UP. Kristel was also managed by Chit Ramos, and became part of Star Magic Batch 16 for 5 years. From Crystal, she became Kristel, repackaged as wholesome artist. She has recently signed a managerial contract with Ms. Annabelle Rama and has opened herself to film and TV assignments from all the networks and various movie companies.

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