Amazing Tinuy-An Falls, Philippines

Tinuy-An Falls: Philippines’ Little Niagara
Tinuy-an Falls is a waterfall in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur in the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. It is the main tourist attraction in Bislig, a city known as the Booming City by the Bay. The falls are 95 m wide and 55 metres  high, touted as the Niagara Falls of the Philippines. Tinuy-an is a white water curtain that flows in three levels and is said to be the widest waterfall in the Philippines. Every morning, the area shows a rainbow between 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Tinuy-an Falls water curtain is located in Burboanan, Bislig City, a one hour ride from Mangagoy, centre of trade and commerce in Bislig City. The falls plunges 180 ft. high from the top of the three tiered cascading waterfalls.


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